A feeling of security

Abus offers a comprehensive programme of mechanical security products corresponding to the different needs of the European markets

The company, which has its headquarters at Wetter in Germany, is represented in more than 150 countries around the world by product concepts tailored to their specific markets.
In Germany public awareness is being focused on the subject of security by means of a large-scale consumer campaign, and in all the other countries of Europe the “good feeling of security” is being promoted by means of targeted advertising measures in trade publications and newspapers as well as on posters and in other POS material.
The merchandiser with classification system and POS.
The overall product range of approx. 25 000 articles is divided into three categories: padlocks, door and window security, and safety products for two-wheeled vehicles. The current emphasis is on the company’s “Allround Security” programme. This consists of padlocks, cable locks and chains, which are especially suitable for securing gardening and building equipment, garden gates, toolboxes and bicycles.
A colour-coding system organises the products into three quality categories, standard, extra and maximum, to make orientation easier for customers once in the store. Within this system of classification the customer is given all necessary information about the quality of individual products and possible applications, and the corresponding presentations are reinforced by POS aids such as posters, leaflet stands and videos.
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