Responsibility Report

Home Depot tightens regulations for wood and chemicals

Some results of Home Depot's 2017 Responsibility Report.
Some results of Home Depot's 2017 Responsibility Report.

The American DIY chain Home Depot has introduced more stringent regulations for a range of product categories in its 2017 Responsibility Report. In future it will not accept any wood products from the Amazon (South America) and Congo (Africa) Basins, unless these are Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified. At present, however, less than one percent of the company's existing wood products originates from the Amazon and Congo Basins.
The report also unveils newly strengthened chemical oversight practices in five product categories, including paint, carpet, vinyl and laminate flooring, and insulation. The chemical strategy includes commitments to increase the assortment of products that have transparency of product ingredients and third party certification of chemical ingredients. Additionally, Home Depot is committed to working with suppliers to improve chemicals in categories with the greatest potential impact on indoor air quality. It partners with the Green Chemistry and Commerce Council, Healthy Building Network and Cradle to Cradle for guidance on priority chemicals and innovations.
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